Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “data-engineering”
June 18, 2024
Data Privacy in AI Development: Data Localization
Why should you care where your data lives?
In the process of writing my talk for the AI Quality Conference coming up on June 25 in San Francisco ( tickets still available !) I have come across many topics that deserve more time than the brief mentions I will be able to give in my talk. In order to give everyone more detail and explain the topics better, I’m starting a small series of columns about things related to developing machine learning and AI while still being careful about data privacy and security.
December 15, 2023
How Much Data Do We Need? Balancing Machine Learning with Security Considerations
For a data scientist, there’s no such thing as too much data. But when we take a broader look at the organizational context, we have to balance our goals with other considerations.
Data Science vs Security/IT: A Battle for the Ages
Acquiring and keeping data is the focus of a huge amount of our mental energy as data scientists. If you ask a data scientist “Can we solve this problem?” the first question most of us will ask is “Do you have data?